80% of Americans will experience low back pain in their life time and it is one of the most common reasons for missed work and disability. Low back pain can be eliminated and you can be free from back pain. Generally, low back pain is caused when either suddenly or over time the pelvis becomes tipped forward on one or both side. This causes the back muscles to become short and thus they begin to apply a compressive force to the spine. This can lead to injuries to the discs and facet joints as well as painful muscle spasms. To unload and decompress the spine, you need to shorten and activate your abdominal wall, specifically the transverse abdominus and internal obliques. The All Fours Series is a set of four PRI exercises that both inhibit the back and activate the abdominal wall. I love this series because the exercises are very straightforward, require no props and provide immediate relief from back pain. So find a comfortable spot on the floor and follow along while I walk you through some spinal decompression.
Chronic back pain can be a tricky beast. Your brain may be telling you to avoid the all fours position and any movement at all in effort to keep you "safe" from further back pain. If you feel this is happening to you, please schedule an evaluation with myself or any other chronic pain trained PRI PT for a proper assessment of your body and to get started on retraining the chronic pain brain. It is possible for you to move freely again without pain, but it will take specialized guidance to get you you there. Don't let fear limit your life anymore, take the first step today. Go slow and be consistent with your exercise. I would suggest starting with 14 days of daily kneeling bar reach or modified belly lift. The key is a daily practice that is progressed in small plateaus. You must stop the boom and bust cycle that leads to further disability. Remember, you don't have to do it alone. Reach out for help today.
Be well, Brenda